

  • Dude, great article. Thanks!
  • Yes, my activity level was including my exercise... oops. I will change it to sedentary, since most of the time I am at a desk or with a client. When I set my goal to 2lbs/wk I was given a budget of 1360 calories, and when I set it at 1lbs/wk, it bumped it up to 1860 (which I guess makes sense given 500x7days = 3500 cals =…
  • Ok, after reading through this, here are my responses (again, thank you for all your advice). What I've gotten from everyone is that I obviously need to increase my calories... I had a feeling that was what was the problem, but wasn't positive. @21karensmith | As far as the metabolism advice goes... thank you! I love green…
  • My BMR is 1,893 So I'm assuming I'm at a net -393, if I eat 1500 calories and DO NOTHING... however this is not the case -- I'm assuming with just a basic workout I'm burning 800 calories (rough estimate -- probably more), so I'm looking at -1193... plus, whatever activities I'm doing throughout the day (I have a two year…
  • Wow, you guys are fast! I went to the store and came back and am processing this and will reply as soon as I get the gist of everyone's responses (minus the grapefruit one lol). Thank you so much for the fast input! I think my biggest fear is putting on more calories bc I lost the 30lbs so fast by cutting down to 1500…
  • I'm with you on timing my drinks. I fill a bottle up (23oz) and set my phone to go off every two hours (start at 11am -- end at 11pm) and make sure that the bottle is gone by the time the next alarm goes off. I feel great throughout the day and yes, as you mentioned, it can be a tough act to start, but once you get going…