

  • I get cravings for sweets after dinner, too! Right now, I'm really into fat-free Jello pudding (I like the chocolate-vanilla swirl for 100 calories), dark-choclate covered pomegranate seeds from Trader Joe's (they are really tiny and rich so you eat a small portion of them slowly), and chocolate covered strawberries. I…
  • Chobani is my favorite, by far (although I do like Oikos, as well). I too am a former yogurt-hater. It took me awhile to adapt to Greek yogurt (the texture is thick, sort of like sour cream) but now I love it. It has lots of protein, and really keeps me full! The Chobani Champions might be good ones to start with, if you…
  • cracked pepper Triscuits with Babybel cheese or hummus Chobani Greek yogurt (I used to hate yogurt, but have come to really love this!) almonds a sandwich thin (100 calories) spread w/ Better'n Peanut Butter from Trader Joe's (50 cal/Tbsp) frozen grapes (helps me curb my craving for ice cream)