Mirpapillon Member


  • Hi, I am scheduled to get a gastric band in the next few months. I have to see an internist first for a small problem I had 8 years ago. They won't do the surgery unless I see a Dr. Any comment you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. I am really looking forward for this surgery. It took me years to decide. My…
  • Hi, Im preparing also to go for lap band surgery. Which one did you gals get, the lap band or the by pass? I'm just trying to get information on the procedure, how you are feeling, or where feeling right after surgery, etc... Thanks.
  • i Sandy, Well here goes what I eat for breakfast. I buy light rye bread. Its 130 calories for 2 slices. A lot of times I put peanut butter on (protein) and a little jam or light cream cheese. I also eat an egg sandwich with canadian bacon, oatmeal not in envelopes but cooked at home with a little brown sugar and milk.…
  • Eat more veggies and less fruits. Peppers don't have very much calories lettuce cellery etc. check them out. I also found a Greek yogurt dip (cucumbers and garlic) for 35 calories for 2 tablespoons.