

  • Hey I'm 19 and in good shape but I gained a little weight at college and got some stretch marks by my bicepts and on my sides. I'm running and working out but I'm wondering if there is any cream that is safe to use that can make my stretch marks go away? Please let me know
  • does this calorie counter really work? is it accurate with the foods i'm putting in and counting the calories so even if i dont excercise i'm still loosing the weight according to what it says?
  • hey i'm new here too, I'm a young 18 year old guy in college played sports all my life and i've gained the freshman 15 plus a few extra but spring break is the first week in march and i'm looking to get down from 204 to 185. It says i can only loose about 2 pounds a week but is it possible to loose more?
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