

  • This whole thread is cracking me up... I love it... Game on!
  • I just started C25K yesterday... so Week 1 Day 1 is done! woohoo!! I introduced a couple of ladies to it at work and they are doing it too. Some have downloaded the Iphone app, I am using my ipod with these intervals: I like the "beep beep" that is integrated into the beat music to…
  • Congrats!! That's awesome!!! I'm at the same pace for jogging, as I just started doing the C25K and found I'm walking at 3.5 and jogging at 4.5!!! I hope to be able to run a mile without stopping. You are an inspiration!!! Keep it up!!!!
  • I'm just going to throw this out there, as I do not have kids... but I was a kid once myself. 1. "My kids are picky eaters" .... growing up, what my mom put on my plate, we ate... plain and simple.. no two butts about it. 2. You have an advantage ~ you get home at 3:30pm. It might be time to change up the routine. How old…
  • This is actually my first time posting. I'm 5'7" and my goal weight is 150...
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