

  • Wow, this great. I would friend all of you, but I don't know how. Speaking of friends, how much does our diary show to our friends? Our measurements and weight, or just our food and notes? And what are the acronyms? I know WW, but I do not know the others. This is really my first go at the weight loss thing. My friends of…
  • Could I ask another question? Unrelated? I am new as of today and have been stumbling around trying to find where to ask. Is your weight posted on your diary? Thanks and sorry for butting in.
  • My 26th grandfather back was Eric the Viking. That's my only claim to fame. I herald from Oklahoma, now from Atlanta. Terribly Caucasian as much as I hate to say; I would love to say there's Indian or African blood cursing through my veins, but alas, no I cannot find a drop.
  • I am close, Atlanta, and little older, 63. I too have weight to rid and animals to tend, 3 huge Maine Coon cats. I bought the Sports Wii and am determined to give it a go. I just went through a scary blood pressure ordeal and found out that I am pre-diabetic, so this is now or never time for me. I have a dear (almost)…