k_bignon Member


  • Oooops, that would be 19, 12, 15, 20, 8.
  • Well, I have only done one, so I am no expert.....but I agree the 3 week taper felt too long to me. I followed the same plan, for my long run schedule. I think I would go like this- 19, 12, 15, 20, 12, 8. I really wish I had actually done 2 20+ runs, and for future marathons I will do so. I felt a little under -prepared…
  • Yep- that's the one! See ya there ;)
  • Hi! I'm Krissy and joining my first group here! I am a 30 year old wife and mom living in North Georgia. Been on this site since January with my sister as we encourage each other in our seperate goals! I am running my first 26.2 this weekend!!!! I have been an on and off runner for over 15 years (started with high school…