bk360mom Member


  • HI, I am new here...I have used MFP off and on and I am back on again. I am turning 40 in August and I am feeling pretty depressed about it and being 50+lbs over my goal. I am taking little steps to reach my big goal and hoping to get some encouragement from this group and make some new online friends!
  • Planning to burn some calories packing up the house today! That is my job all day, what a way to spend a snowy day in the mountains of PA! Hope I make some progress!
  • Okay, I missed the challenge b/c I'm new here, so I'm a day late. Hmmmm...let's see.. Today I had these veggies and fruits orange juice (does that count?) steamed broccoli green peppers It wasn't a terrible day, I was under my calories and got in 40 minutes of jogging before the 2 year old woke up crying. Feeling good…
  • The race has a great training program that I used last year. Now, if I had kept up with my jogging, I would be able to do the advanced training this year, but I fell off the jogging wagon. The training program is designed so you finish the race, no matter whether you run or jog or walk. That really helped me feel confident…
  • I should've read on before I joined, but here is my intro... My name is Emily and i'm 37 and a SAHM of two toddlers. My starting weight as of today is 214.1 and my ulitmate goal weight is 157, although I'm not sure where that number came from. I can't remember weighing that even in high school! I've been doing MFP since…
  • I would love to lose 30lbs by St Patrick's Day! I am actually running (jogging) and 8k in VA beach that weekend so I would be out of my mind happy to have lost that much by then. I'm working on training for the race, so this challenge will give me even more incentive! I'm with you! Emily