

  • I take 150mg of Zoloft, which is just the brand name of what you are taking, daily. I take it for anxiety., although I di have bouts of depression. It does take a few weeks to notice a true effect. Start journaling how you feel while taking it. This way when you go back for a follow up you have info on how it effects you!…
  • Hi Everyone! Im returning from a year of slacking and gaining back the weight I lost. I love the idea of the step challenge! Count me in. Im goung to say my goal is 5000 steps, however by the end of the month I want to be doing 10000 steps. Can anyone help keep me accountable? I'll be more than happy to return the favor!…
  • I want to say THANK YOU for working on this menu! I really appreciate all the work you guys are doing. Like I said I am out of my league on this one. I will however help in anyway I can. Please use me if you need help. Just message me! Thanks again, MrsFrogLegs!!!!
  • Hello Green Team and My White Team Counterparts- I find this challenge tough. I don't do a lot of meals. Let alone meals based on guidelines/calories. I have cereal for breakfast with skim milk and fruit, lunch I have a sandwich with "chips", and dinner whatever my husband makes in moderation. I hoard my calories for later…
  • I have an anxiety disorder that I have been living with since I was 4, I was diagnosed at 18 when I became agoriaphobic (can't leave the house). I have been on SO many different medicines and have seen soo many different doctors. I can tell you that for me some of the medicines (lexapro, abilify, lamictal, to name a few)…
  • Thank you for telling your story; it truly is an inspiration! Congratulations and best of luck with the surgeries!!!!!
  • I'm thinking about a nice big piece of chocolate cake with dark chocolate gaunache over chocolate buttercream frosting. Thank god you don't use calories for even thinking about it. I can taste it....phantom cake will have to work!!:laugh: