keenanph76 Member


  • My first board was an inflatable, which has pros and cons. In my lifestyle the pro was that it packed down and could easily fit in the back of my Subaru. Much easier to get in a sesh after work without having to drive around with that huge board on the roof of my car all the time. But this led to its first con; leaving an…
  • I have been stand up paddling for over a year now and finally attached a heart rate monitor to myself because I am skeptical of how many calories I actually burn. Long story short, 9 or 10 calories per minute is a good average for a man who is going for a constant paddle session. Long story: I live in the Columbia River…
  • Here's a good article: My heart rate monitor arrives in a couple days... Right now I'm going with a safe average of 9 kcal/min. Guys my size (180 lbs) can average 800 kcal/hour on another site I read. I'll report back…