alwayswndrng Member


  • Every Wednesday our office has wonderfully delicious high caloric sweets/foods during our team meetings. I bring my cereal to the meeting with my coffee and water. Drinking through the meeting keeps my mind off the foods. I sit at the end of the table furthest away from the food. I also look the other way when I need to…
  • My chiropractor told me if I walk/run on the treadmill to have it on at least .5 incline as the 0 does not feel normal to our bodies. I live in WI so it gets dark pretty early. Whether day/night I have pepper spray attached to me and my cell phone. Believe it or not I had three teenage boys try to mess with me on trail in…
  • I was a huge mayo fan as well. About a year ago, I started using honey mustard where I would typically use mayo or ranch. Unfortunately, honey mustard does not taste as good on everything that mayo did. At first, I really missed the mayo and ranch, but stuck to my guns. I still stick to the honey mustard and avoid…