

  • Going on 3 weeks post-removal, down 5 lbs and10 more to go. I recommend taking macca, it's been super helpful to reset my hormones.
  • Had Mirena removed 2 weeks ago. For seven months I watched the scale go up no matter how I tried to stabilized my weight with diet & exercise. I'm 45 and so the Mirena was to manage perimenopausal symptoms. What I got instead was a body transformed back into what I used to look like @ 5 months pregnant. I've lost 5 lbs, 10…
  • I got the Mirena to treat irregular and long-lasting periods 7 months ago related to perimenopause. The nuisance symptoms disappeared over time which was great. Within 3 days of insertion I had extremely tender breasts and started feeling fatigued for no obvious other reason. Like being 4 months pregnant. Within the first…
  • Time to change your routine in some way. Same thing happened to me. Change your menu and/or your exercise regime.
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