

  • Face (turkey waddle...LOL) and boobs....I'm sure it's water weight but still, that's the first sign that I must be doing something right...GO ME! :tongue:
  • I know what you mean and what you're going through. My husband-to-be is only working parttime right now and stays home the rest of the time. Even though our kids are older (18, 16, 14) and can pretty much take care of themselves, he has been thrown into the role of STAY-AT-HOME-PARENT while I work full time (40 hrs a…
  • I found this online - "Although exercising in hot weather can be uncomfortable for some, it does appear to increase calorie burn. When it’s hot outside, your heart has to pump harder to cool off the hard working muscles along with the rest of the body. It does this by pumping more blood to the extremities so that the heat…
  • I'm new too. I finally had to tell myself "DO OR DIE"...good luck!!!