bump :] Sounds delish.
Very interesting, thanks! I never count water in food or any types of other drinks. I was just curious about the green tea and Crystal Light packets I use every day. My friend made it seem like since the water wasn't pure water, it wasn't as good because the body has to filter out the extra things added. Thanks so much for…
That was more directed to the "uhh waterrr" responses. Obviously I know pure water is the best, lol. Thank you very much for elaborating on that, very helpful.
Thanks to the ones who gave real answers and opinions and not sarcastic ones. Very enlightening! :smile:
Definitely for the best because immaturity and negativity does not fly with me. Farewell!
Just did what she should do. If you don't like it, hide it. Just talking **** about it isn't going to help anyone. Maybe they have more problems than you think. You shouldn't be so quick to judge. :tongue:
Yeah gonna take you off my friends list. I go on here to get support from my friends on here if I'm having a bad day because I have a lot of issues myself. This just made me feel like ****. Thanks!
Wow, thanks guys. It definitely makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone. Sometimes it just feels like some people don't understand.
Thanks guys. I will definitely check that group out, didn't know there was one :]
Oooh, good to know! I love salt, too. Thanks everyone!
I eat about 5 meals a day. 3 meals and 2 snacks.
Hi, I'm also 24 and I need friends! :]
Sunny Florida :]
I, personally, don't find sweating to be attractive. I always go to the gym unshowered, hair a mess, and not looking too hot so I guess I'm just focused on getting my workout done and getting out of there to care ;] lol
Definitely! If I eat a something like a piece of pizza now I get an upset stomach and acid reflux. Doesn't really make me want to eat it much, which is a good thing, I guess ;]
I can definitely see many differences! You just look all around better! Awesome job!!!
Thanks! :smile: Well, this is about my 4th time quitting smoking. The last time I quit for 8 months I gained 10 lbs and then some, and I've been hovering around the same weight since. Ready to get healthy and excited I found this amazing site. Also use the app. Thanks for the welcome!