

  • Thanks for your input! I am eating around 1500 calories/day, which is what I calculated from the nutrition guide. I just got my HRM the other day and have only used it on two workouts so far, and it says I am burning around 350 cal. (Although it has been malfunctioning and not reading my heartrate for parts of my workout,…
  • I would like your guys' opinions on something. I have never been much of a "snacker" throughout the day. So trying to follow the nutrition guide, I find it hard to eat the 5 meals a day. (Even with having smaller lunch and dinners that I am used to.) I never used to eat breakfast (BAD, i know!) so with eating breakfast…
  • I agree 100% with you! I hate it while im doing it, but the feeling afterwards is so awesome! (Well, once I can pick myself up off the floor haha) I definitely feel different after just one week, so no youre not crazy! I couldnt resist weighing myself either and I had lost 3 lbs in the first week. I couldnt believe it, so…
  • Hi all! My husband and I started Insanity this past Monday. We are both super pumped to get back in shape and go at it together. I have the typical story; I was blessed to be thin with a fast metabolism, but now that im getting older, things are changing, unfortunately! haha I was a dancer from age 3 until I graduated high…