

  • You should be able to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Look up 5:2 diet and watch BBC documentary "Eat, fast and live longer". If you like it, it may be worthwhile to try.
  • Long, lean muscles - wiry body - That's what I want. < img src="http://upload.moldova.org/movie/actors/c/cam_gigandet/thumbnails/tn2_cam_gigandet_2.jpg" />
  • Try eating peels of 3 apples (not the fruit) with some nuts and berries. You will feel full for several hours.
  • lazy - then how did you lose 15 lbs! I think you are doing just great. I wish I could get to 15 lbs soon.
  • Yo! But I almost always eat close to 1600 cals and balance out the 400 with exercise - usually intense Iyengar or Ashtanga yoga. It is gentle on the body, brings balance to mind and leaves me with sense of completeness that nothing else does.
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