715hopers Member


  • Hi Amanda! Thanks for putting this group together. Myfitnesspal isn't totally accurate with the phe/protein, but just having the daily record of it helps with the accountability big time. Even if you're off 1-3 grams per day your levels should be ok (although I suppose it also depends on how much phe you are allowed to…
  • Sorry I just looked again...I thought you were trying to gain weight, not lose. So follow my advice in reverse...try a lower calorie formula...lol. I did lose 14 and 1/2 lbs on MyFitnessPal but being on diet & losing weight can be tough. You need to eat healthy for you AND you have extra work to get the formula off. So I…
  • Hi there...everyone's metabolism is different. I have PKU as well (classical -- I can only have 350 mg phe or 7 g of protein a day). My brother also has PKU with the same phe allowances! He's always had trouble gaining weight & I've always had issues trying to lose weight. My first question would be -- what formula are you…
  • Hi all, I'm excited to find this group on here! I have PKU also but have been on diet (sometimes loosely) almost my whole life. I'm trying to get strict about it, (want to have kids soon) and MyFitnessPal has been very helpful to keep track of my phe intake (plus I can turn my diaries into PDFs and my dietician loves…
  • I got to my heaviest weight ever on the pill - 150 lbs on my 5'3" frame and couldn't lose it no matter what I did. Even exercising intensely at the gym taking group classes didn't help. I stopped the pill in August and started using natural family planning (not pregnant yet either and don't want to be!) I started using MFP…
  • I'm in the same place. My weight has been stuck at 140 for the past 6 weeks...although I lost 10 lbs when I first started using MyFitnessPal. I just want to lose ten more! I hope someone has some advice.