ERMOT Member


  • Looking at your diary, I'm noticing two things. 1) You're so far under your calorie goal that you're likely not getting the nutrition + water content in your food that you need. You should at a minimum be consuming 1200 calories a day. If you're trying to lose at 1400, eat all 1400. And 2) you're not logging your water, so…
  • :heart: And of course my puppies are my little werewolf puppies. :wink:
  • If your mom is a nurse, I would start with her suggestions first. Mom is usually right. Mine put me onto MFP to begin with. :wink: But I would echo the others who advised you add more calories and cut back some on the exercise. I'm 5'2", 125 lbs with a right down the middle small/medium frame. BMI is a tricky devil that…
  • Health--I had gallstones after my second pregnancy; and for years everything I ate made me feel sick. My mom had been on MFP for awhile and after I'd whined about not feeling good--again--she said, "TRY MFP! JUST DO IT!" Honestly, I was annoyed and secretly joined to show her it wouldn't work. Of course, she showed me and…
  • I "make" my own trail mix and pack it into individual snack bags. The recipe option lets me control the servings and calories myself, so I actually have a few different versions: some with raisins, some with dried cranberries, some with candy pieces, some pistachios, some cashews, and some that the kids like. And they all…
  • Discipline and habit. Perfectly put. If I was going to make my kids be disciplined and get in the habit of eating broccoli, then I had to be disciplined too. And I'm glad we are.
  • I'll play the Kinect Sports now and then, but I recently got Dance Central 2 and I'm really enjoying it.
    in XBOX 360 Comment by ERMOT June 2012