Have to agree with everyone who's said "more sparring" and if not possible "HIIT" training. Also have to agree with beckyinma that the adrenaline and psychological stress of real sparring really burns through your stamina e.g. nervous energy is a killer in a real cage match. so yea, in the gym try and hit HIIT type…
bro seriously keep at the BJJ! I started out BJJ completely bottom-of-the-ladder and getting owned- in technique, strategy and conditioning- by guys 1/2 my weight - which for a big guy (110-115kgs) take a lot off the ego. but what i got in return for swallowing my pride and training hard was so much better than ego/image.…
Haha actually its more like super slack- in BJJ anyway- The thing is despite not being graded you roll long enough with higher belts you pick up their moves/habits(some bad). It ups your level just rolling with them- you probably wouldn't be a "complete" blue/purple but know enough of their tricks/moves to keep it…
So many cool responses and MA backgrounds/experiences here! I've trained MMA for about 3 years solid, one year at the start was on-and-off, spent most of 2011 'off' due to University workload. But the MMA training when its 'on' consists of Muay Thai pad classes 2x a week, Muay Thai sparring classes 2x a week, BJJ 2x a week…
I also train BJJ and gained 2 stripes on my white belt before our trainer went back to Brasil. I continued training for about a year after and its hard to know where your level is at because I mostly rolled with Blue/Brown belts and eventually kept up and started submitting the blues. The blue belts gave me a list of subs…
Shnazzy all-black outfit full-body picture! =]
Auckland, New Zealand- but parents are Samoan (a Polynesian island in the Pacific Ocean) hence the brown-ness. Happy 2012 and train hard you crazy kids =)