ames105 Member


  • That negative self talk is bad. Its how I got to be 130lbs overweight (down 75!!!!). Be kind to yourself, even if you don't feel it at the moment! Good luck!!!
  • I started last fall by eliminating as much sugar as possible. This year I eliminated the rest of the carbs. I try to keep it to under 50 carbs a day. I keep my ratios at 20% carbs, 40% protein and 40% fat. I've found that I usually go over in fat each day but that hasn't prevented any weight loss. The app here helped me…
  • I have an underactive thyroid (for about 15 years). I never thought much of it as my mother had one too, I thought it was hereditary. It turns out, I did it to myself with years of self abuse through a diet of high calorie, high fat and high sugar products. The hormones in your thyroid work together with estrogen and…
  • There is no need for a detox. Your kidneys, your liver, your digestive system, your lungs and your skin do all the detoxifying for you. Your body is set up to do this and it requires fuel to work. Eat fresh healthy food, have more vegetables and fruits, drink more water and your body will flush toxins from your system.…
  • A friend of mine went through this. She had the surgery, lost nearly 200lbs, had skin removal surgery and looked great for a short while. Unfortunately, she never changed her eating habits, wouldn't eat veggies or fruit, would order dinner and two appetizers when we went out to eat and the weight came back. So, what do you…
  • I truly think you need to talk with your doctor or medical team again. 1800 calories could be a starting point for you, it could possibly be adjusted. You have to remember its about keeping your blood sugar more stable so you have to eat regularly, which is probably why your target is a little higher than you normally eat.…
  • People will (and have) given you a multitude of responses and a lot of information. You'll probably notice that some information contradicts the next person. This is because we are all unique. While you have some consistent facts that hold true (Cal In vs Cal Out), each person is made up a different percentages of muscle…
  • I try to ignore it. Its a matter of my brain craving it so I try to remember that just because I have a thought about something tasting good, it doesn't mean I have to eat it right now. I also try to remember that most of my late night snacking is from boredom or habit. If that doesn't work or if my tummy is rumbling, I go…
  • You look great! I agree with above, sometimes it takes a while for your brain to catch up, but don't worry too much about that, it will happen. Just think about how much healthier your body is and how much less stress your joints are under. You've done a great thing for your health. Congratulations!
  • I have also battled depression for most of my life, about 30 years. Here's what I've learned: 1) You are not alone. Many people in your life probably feel the same way. We just don't talk about it because it seems to come with shame (which it shouldn't). You are not alone. 2) Please see your doctor. Depression after loss…
  • Do you have a cell phone? There are apps you can download that will track you using the GPS on your phone. Try Endomondo. You can just carry your cell phone with you as you walk and it does a fairly good job of calculating everything for you. Good luck! PS - I've lost all my weight just by walking and riding my bike. You…
  • I'm not asking you to conform to my philosophy, its not even a philosophy. I am telling you, as someone who was and still is overweight, your condescension to a person who is JUST STARTING OUT is ignorant. I've noticed a LOT of physical trainers on this site who want to give their opinion. You may have experience with…
  • No apology necessary because the statement is least when it comes to menopausal women. You se, it actually DOES have something to do with female hormones. Decreases or changes in estrogen and progesterone make it harder to lose weight. Especially in women who have been overweight and underactive for part or…
  • By all means, express your viewpoint, give your knowledge to someone who might use it. However, you're looking at a person on the edge, who is in the bad mental circle of self hate, we eat for comfort, gain weight and hate ourselves for it. To lose it looks quite overwhelming. Your need to not sugar coat may work for you…
  • You could go and have a small serving (a true one portion size) of what you like (we can't deny ourselves everything!). You could order something steamed, avoid the rice. I preferred Mongolian Beef or Chicken. Still stir fried with a sauce but not breaded. You could ask for something stir fried without sauce. You could eat…
  • Not very supportive and actually condescending to a newbie. Someone frustrated after two days might just need a few words of encouragement. Or, they might see your message and give up. Your mindset is completely different than a person just starting out. It might do you good to remember that.
  • Patience and perseverance, even when you don't think you can stand doing this another moment. That is the only way through. Six pounds weight gain is probably tied to water weight, if you started exercising, your muscles tear and repair, the process causes water to be retained. Check your sodium levels, my opinion would be…
  • Everyone says calories in vs calories out is all you need to know. That's not true for everyone. Theoretically, people are correct when they say you could eat 1200 cal of fruit & veggies or 1200 cal of chocolate and lose weight. However, those of us with hormone imbalances or insulin resistance find that statement to not…
  • Some of the responses here are not taking into consideration the hormone changes that go on in a woman's body during the pause. Its not just a slowing of metabolism. The lowering of estrogen and progesterone in the body make it more difficult to lose weight. Not to mention some of the lovely other side effects that…
  • Diet Coke vs. Water....Chemicals we don't need and our body can't process vs. something we need to replenish our bodies (made up of water) with a few needed additives in it (fluoride, etc). Seems easy to me. Diet Coke is about the taste and carbonation. I love it but I limit myself to one a day. I've been told by my doctor…
  • It IS NOT as easy as calories in/calories out for SOME people (for others, that truly does work). I wish people would put that caveat on their statement because it can confuse a lot of people. Many women here suffer from underactive thyroids and hormone conditions like PCOS or menopause. In those cases, its a lot about…
  • I decided to try one of those dance away the pounds videos. The instructor showed the first step and I repeated it. She showed the first and added the second step, I repeated it. She showed the first three steps. I got my legs all crossed up, tripped and fell face first onto the floor. Thank goodness I was at home where no…
  • Stop the negative self talk first. Stop it. It doesn't do any good and makes you just want to eat more for comfort. Stop it. Next, you have to be honest with yourself. You haven't lost any weight. Ok. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing or are you kinda sliding through the days? I'm not supposed to have sugar.…
  • I've had an underactive thyroid for 15 years and am on meds for it. I've lost over 70lbs. It can be done. I think it might take a little more work than it would if everything were working normally but that could be just from my perspective. I walked (exercise is important, gets your metabolism going). I stayed at my…
  • Your liver is the only item you need for detoxing. Drink water, yes, but don't skip food. I try to go the clean natural food eating route to give my liver less work to do, less chemicals to process (I have liver issues). This detox craze is nothing more than another fad diet, like cabbage soup or intermittent fasting.
  • I find that walking helps with panic attacks. Do it at a steady pace and breathe in and out while doing it. It becomes a walking meditation which helps reduce anxiety. Do it outside if you can, somewhere in nature, a trail or by the beach. I've lost 70lbs by walking and bike riding, this weight loss thing isn't all about…
  • Congratulations on your success! Hard work truly does pay off. I'm determined not to let this menopause thing win. I'm down 70lbs, have 60 to go. It can be done through menopause, underactive thyroid, poor liver function and hormone imbalances. It just takes work and perseverance. Great job, I admire your determination and…
  • I have found that 'eating clean' makes me feel better, I have more energy and I enjoy the taste of my favorite foods so much more because I don't have them as often (but I still have them!). Eating clean to me is fresh whole food. I try to minimize take out, fast food and frozen food (I still have them occasionally but…
  • I've lost 68, still want to lose 62 more. I'll add you!
  • Cheese. Everyone loves cheese. Its got protein, vitamins and some fat (which we still need). Its also a higher calorie content food. If you have a hard time eating your daily calories, have an ounce of cheese as a snack, put a piece of cheese on your lunch. Another option would be nuts. Again, lots of good things, some…