singoldsby Member


  • I would love to do this! I am in Massachusetts and I have around 80lbs to lose. I would love to lose 55 (would put me around 176), but I swear I am the slowest loser. I would be happy if it was even half that, but I am definitely game for trying to make it more.
  • I have been a pescatarian for the last few years. I am 95% vegan at this point. At home I am 100%, but when I am at a friends or out with friends I try to do as best I can, but I don't ask for special meals or anything so I may occasionally get some small amounts of animal product. I feel so much better and although I…
  • I have been a lurker for a long time, but have finally committed to it in the last month. My highest was 257lbs. I am currently 249. Really trying to stick with it this time!!
  • Day One - Great day, until I managed to slice my finger making dinner and ended up in the emergency room for four hours last night. On the plus side, I made it through the evening without snacking. ;)
  • This is my newest go to meal - I eat it at least once a week right now. So easy, filling, and good!
  • Today is going to be - salmon patties (trader joes) with a sauce made from homemade mayo, dill, lemon juice, and some garlic. roasted asparagus
  • Hello, my name is Sarah and I would love to join your group. I am a working Mom of a 2.5 year old and I have been working towards eating cleaning over the last couple months. I have cut out pretty much all processed foods, flour, and sugar, but I know I am still making some bad decisions and I would love to participate in…