kmurphy0506 Member


  • So excited for a crock pot thread. I've been loving overnight oatmeal in the crock pot. You wake up in the morning w/ the house smelling amazing and breakfast is already done: Overnight Crockpot Oatmeal 1 cup steel cut or regular oats (NOT Quick Oats) 4 cups water 1/2 cup milk (I use skim or unsweetened almond milk) 1/4…
  • I was never a breakfast eater, but tried it out when I started this journey towards a healthier life. I credit my progress to breakfast! I'm amazed at what a difference it has made in my energy throughout the morning. My productivity at work has improved too (although I'm writing this when I should be coordinating a…
  • bumpin' it. Making them tonight!
  • I had this kind of day yesterday. Work was crazy and all I wanted to do was go home and lay on the couch. But I never regret being active. So I hit the gym and felt like a million bucks afterward. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you go. You're still lapping everyone sitting on the couch. Good luck with your work out…
  • Yum! Bumpin' it!
  • What about some savory crepes? Maybe filled with turkey bacon/sausage, veggies and some greek yogurt on top? I need to keep an eye on this thread--I'm always looking for new, yummy breakfast! :)
  • Jello Mousse Temptations are the bomb. Sugar free and 60 calories!
  • When I got serious about my lifestyle, the first place I saw results was my hips and the seat of my pants. I credit interval and circuit training. I saw the biggest drop in size when I started increasing mileage when running. I'm not sure if this helps, but good luck to you! Hips are the worst aren't they??
  • Here is a great Chicken in White Wine one-pot meal from Weight Watchers. Only 295 calories/serving! It may take closer to an hour rather than 30-40 minutes, but it's really easy and yummy. I would season as you go, it tends to e flat. Another…