

  • Today was day three for me! I started P90X a month ago and decided to switch to Insanity because I feel like I need the cardio more. Now that I have a couple of workouts under my belt, I am thinking about adding in some P90X upper body work outs a couple times a week. Would love some support! Add me!
  • Congrats! That is a great time! You have every right to be super proud. Keep up the good work and before you know it you will be aiming for a sub 2:00 half!
  • I'm 5' even. I'm at about 113, now. I was 104 before I had kids and when I was doing triathlons. I want to get back to that. I am pretty muscular now, and I do have proportionally broad shoulders and ribs, but I know I have 5 - 10 lbs of just fluff that I can stand to get rid of. It sure is hard to lose those last 10 lbs.…
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