Hmmm, methinks this bears looking into....
Argh... Must be listening @ the wrong times. Haven't caught it yet. I should probably stop listening to POTUS so much. :-)
Is Ozzy even capable of performing at this point? He seems to be more of a mess every time I see him. Mostly due to age and a "life fully lived" (*ahem*) finally catching up to him, more than anything else I think. But still, I'd hesitate to spend money on any tour where he's expected to perform without seeing/reading some…
This is more or less what I do as well. Although usually I haven't "used the bathroom" at this point in my day. For some odd reason my innards appear to be conditioned to wait until I get to the office, before certain "events" occur. :smile:
Hmmm... I haven't heard "Mein Land" yet. Is Liquid Metal playing it? I tend to like pretty much everything Rammstein does.