

  • You look great and one year has made a huge change. If you are not where you want to be you must be very close! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • WOW!!!!!! What are you all doing for exercise routines? I'm just getting back in the groove after being really sick. I just started walking again last week. I used to run marathons and have been benched for a few years with illness. I'm trying to start slow as I put on approximately 60 pounds while sick. I've heard of some…
  • Hi, I use coconut water in my smoothies, with either vanilla yogurt or strawberry depending on the berry I intend to use. The coconut water has natural sugar so I don't have to add sugar or other sweeteners. Then ice and maybe a little milk or coconut milk or almond milk, depending what I have on hand. I use a natural…