

  • I live a few hours from teh geogrpahic center of the USA. Don't see much ocean here !
  • Yep any excercise s good, Running, Fast Walking, Lunges, Step classes, Spinning Biking. Weight bearing excercise strenghtens bone and tone core muscles without thinking about it and as someone else said flab and loose looking skin is usually some remaining fat unless weightloss was extreme. I get a kcik out of all the ab…
  • Good news after two weeks your still alive so maybe not a heart attack but never ignore chest pain if you don't have known reason like lifting weights a long run or some injury. If your young and depending on family history not so much concern but I know to many folks over 50 that have "not felt good" laid for a nap and…
  • Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Love the app . I started in late December and lost 14 pounds by Valentines day. "You cannot control what you do not measure!" Now I have the tools to measure and control. I weigh every day and do not worry about the bumpy chart only look at the slope over time. If I wanna eat I know I have to run or climb stairs. those…