I've been riding for a couple of years now. I ride because I like it. It has helped with my fitness level. Can't say it made me skinny. Still gotta eat right and all. It does burn a lot of calories and that helps. I agree you need the right bike with proper expensive bike you hate to ride is not worth it. Go to a…
I didn't look where you live but as an exterminator i can tell you the materials we use now are very safe around pets, plants, and people. yes technically they kill stuff thus they are "toxic" but they are made and mixed to be very safe for everyone. The EPA regulates everything we use and how we use them. If you want them…
Denver Broncos, Colorado Rockies, Denver ...ok that's it I don't follow the NHL or NBA.
I walk the dog around 3 miles a day. Since i do this every day and have for a year (without losing weight) i don't count it. if i take her on an "extra" walk or hike i do count it.
I'm an exterminator for a local company
sounds good. I like to ride here in Denver but have been nursing an injury. i am in on this one
sorry to hijack the thread but since were talking about the Garmin i have a question. i have the Garmin 305 and usually use it outside while walking or biking. i have set my bike on a trainer for the winter and wanted to use it inside. i know i did it once after searching for satellites it asked if i was indoors. at my…