pdxchic Member


  • Yep, this frustrates me too. I just keep a note on my phone with what my actual target numbers are and use it as a reference throughout the day.
  • Hey Megan! I would suggest getting your numbers from a coach, or using the calculators on IIFYM.com. I agree with what Lori said about protein being 1-1.2g/weight. I weigh 121 and set my protein to 1g/lb so I eat 121 per day. Next is fats at .4/lb. the rest I fill with carbs. Do not be afraid of carbs!!! Your body needs…
  • Hey! I agree with the post above... In addition, you should weigh your foods. I have a food scale I use religiously to make sure my nutrients are correct to the gram. This has made a huge difference to me, for example I never knew what an ACTUAL Tbsp of peanut butter was until I weighed it lol. Make sure your macros are in…
  • I'm all in!! I actually lost weight during finals (grad student...all I did was drink coffee and write papers for a week and a half...eek!) but it all came back during my holiday baking spree :-) I'm nervous because I'm going on a cruise next week for 7 days but I am bringing my workout stuff with me and will try to…