tpartee3 Member


  • Hi I've been there and let me encourage you, there is help! I did 3 things that totally freed me and now I've started a group on Facebook called the truth about food. Check it out! Anyway what I did. 1. Google searched scriptures on the mind. I started to see how God had already helped me by empowering me through His word.…
  • I've been there! I learned that our bodies may be inflamed even if we are doing all the right things. I started drinking this Iaso tea and I totally lost the weight in 4 days I was already down 4 pounds effortlessly! It's a start. Also motivation is just like church. When you lose the Umph to go. Start reading about other…
  • After reading the suggestion of another group memeber here, I thought it may be nice to come up with our own challenge. I am a goal setter. I love having, making, and meeting goals! Maybe that's you. Make your own goal. Stick to it. Start big or start small but whatever you do finish it! Complete it. Get that same good…
  • I guess it depends on the results you have been getting and the results you want. The good thing about Leslie is you can experiment for a week or two and determine the results you want.
  • Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well with Leslie. I have been in such a slump here lately but you guys keep me going! Any suggestions for a challenge this week? What I really want to do is start a year long project. Break it up in levels. I am still praying about it. It is mostly geared to help beginners and people who…
  • Good I love the music! Sorry I have not been on lately but I have still been working out. My computer crashed erasing all of my files and it has been such disaster. But I am ok now. Lets get it!
  • Congrats to everyone who succeeded in this challenge! I hope you will be on board with next week's challenge. It starts Monday. Any day you miss make it up on Saturday. Next week's challenge is the same as this week just add one extra mile on any day of your choice! Who's in? Look forward to celebrating with you
  • Yes it is. It is a 3 mile walk
  • Howis everybody doing on this challenge? Just one more day to go! You can do it. Even if you've fell off the wagon. Get backk on and finish strong!!
  • no not really. but I love walk your belly flat. it has some groovy tunes on it
  • Hey guys complete this challenge and next week we can add on!
  • I must say the three mile walk and WATP-express 4 mile challenge. I have about 10 dvds so that I won't get bored.
  • Day 2 of the chcallenge. I pushed myself today because I wanted to see how many calories I would earn from a 60 minute workout. I found out over 500!!! Wow.. So I did WATP express again 4 mile challenge. The whole thing. Stay motivated!!
  • Great! I am so excited that you all decided to join me in our quest for life long health. I will be doing Leslie's 4 mile superchallenge (the first mile only). Feel free to add on or take a walk along with your dvd. Enjoy your day! Taris:wink:
  • Oooh I like! So true but we still do it. Thank God there is His love and forgiveness. Now we can walk and be free from running away from Him.