

  • Don't believe everything people tell you over the watercooler! The Internet is RIGHT THERE, just google things and check if they are true before you spread nonsense about! Coca cola does NOT dissolve chicken in a matter of hours, that is ridiculous. http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/print_project_1168_39…
  • I've been doing it every morning but this is a new thing to me so its kinda fascinating and I love me some good statistics! I doubt I will keep up the daily weigh ins as time goes on. This seems like a good idea :) Might start doing this
  • Hey you're not worthless at this, you're trying at least! Don't have that attitude, think positively! I am really new at this but I'd agree with akivi73 and say that it's still early days and you should keep going! Weight always fluctuates so you can't really tell your progress so soon. It could just be water retention at…