marrtini21 Member


  • Amazing! I wouldn't tell this is the same girl on these two pics. your face is so different now. You're fit, healthy, and beautiful. Happy birthday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Portugal. I totally fell in love with that country. Sea, history, great people, delicious food (oops..), fresh laundry hanging above the streets, azulejos, beautiful castles, views... My question- What's your dieting tip?
  • Crunches! I could work out -jog, swim, do aerobics and I barely saw any difference. Doing 3 sets of 50 reps every or every other day helps me replace my belly fat with nice abs.
  • That's a smart thing you're considering quitting just right after St. Patrick's. :))) Cheers!
  • I allow myself to eat a real & tasty meal on Sundays. I still try not to get too crazy with it. It's ok to establish such a day unless it's like every other day. I think it's much wiser to eat a little more once and then and still control it than be miserable because of your diet and finally quit it.
  • I'd be careful with any pills. Currently I use Herbalife, at least it's natural and seems like a complete weight loss plan what works for me. It consists of shakes and natural supplement pills. I do not feel hungry, I do have cravings, though sometimes. I'd go for something natural /safer first before taking a pill.
  • You look amazing now! Good luck along the road!
  • I will hit the gym after work. It's awesome that you can buy now all these calorie tracking apps, dvds and fitness games. I got on Christmas a Carmen Electra's workout dvd which includes hiphop, aerobic striptease, and... lap dance. I haven't tried it yet but it's going to be fun!