

  • SW: 192.5 DECEMBER 29TH CW: 182.5 JANUARY 26TH GW: 150 I have lost 10 pounds in a month. I am very happy, but at the same time I am not. I am not happy because I know I have been cheated and haven't been to the gym enough. Yeah, there are results but it could be better.
  • awesome job. you just gave me some inspiration to keep going. today marked 10 pounds for me in 4 weeks. It has been hard, the weekends are the hardest when it comes to eating healthy..... Keep going girl, you got this.
  • I work 8am to 8pm, 12 hr shifts and have found it hard to work out after work because by the time I am done with work I am tired. So I started my 2nd attempt at weight loss with going to the gym before work. So I get up at 5am leave the house by 5:30/ 5:35 and am at the gym by 5:45/5:45 and gym opens at 6. They let us in…