

  • yeah, the sugar thing is both an eyeopener and an issue.... I know that some sugars are okay for you, like the ones in fruit. She wants us to eat 2 fruits a day -- but my cup of blackberries has 7 g of sugar -- 2 more than her 5g snack limit, and almost enough for a whole meal :( I'm sure it will take me the entire first…
  • You can read the details if you google "jackie warner diet plan" The plan is basically this: 1st 2 weeks -- don't change the way you eat -- just make sure you eat the following things everyday in addition to the other stuff: 1 cup oatmeal, 2 eggs, 3-4 veggies, 2 fruits, whey protien and ... something else, I can't…
  • Its far better to go over on protein than on fat. I wouldn't worry at all. Most people have problems getting enough protein in their diet (I do, since i don't care much for meat). Remember, these are guidelines. a few over today, a few under tomorrow, and it all evens out in the end.