klwells08 Member


  • I tried it. I liked the workouts, which were tough and you felt like you accomplished something when you are done. But, I am not one for group workouts. I like to sweat buckets in privacy and the group cheering/loudness, while appreciated, was a little much for this introvert.
  • Troubling! My vivofit is scheduled to arrive today. I chose it because Garmin Connect talks to MFP and the fit connects to a HRM. Hopefully, it will get fixed soon.
  • I'm new to the group, but I hope it is okay if I join in. I've been doing 5x5 for about 6 weeks. I missed a week due to work travel and had to go back on the weight a bit. Last night was B: Squat - 120 5x5 (I think I'm going to stay at 120 for A on Wednesday because my form on the last few was questionable.) OHP - 60…
  • I have the same issue. As soon as I walk in the door I'm ravenous. I get off work at 3:30 and home at 5:00. What I do is have a protien bar at 3:00. It keeps me from getting as hungry but the food has settled enough for me to workout when I get home. I can't workout with much in my stomach at all. Once my workout is done,…
  • I was diagnosed with chrondromalacia in my right knee a number of years ago. I would request a referral for physical therapy from your doctor. PT helped me figure out what muscles I needed to strengthen to get my patella to track straight. It also alleviated a lot of pain. While I was doing PT, yoga and walking were my two…
  • I'm a big fan of strong lifts. The phone ap makes it super easy to keep track of what to lift each time.
  • I ran into similar issues with Insanity. I have chrondromalacia in my knee and at about a month into insanity it was so painful I could barely walk. So, that was the end of that. I'm currently four weeks into T25 and doing much better. I do modify some exercises. I have found for me that jumping is fine, as long as it is…
  • I've had mine for months now and I still love them. They are the best investment I have made fitness wise. I highly recommend them!
  • I've dealt with it for a long time now. Working through the pain will only make it worse in the long run. I've had multiple cortisone shots and finally orthotics. For me, the orthotics are what finally made it managable. I've had them about a year now and I still rarely go without good supportive shoes. My advice, stretch,…
  • It is a nice walk. My husband and I took our great dane and walked from one of the major parking lots for the Mt. Vernon trail, across the bridge into MD and back. The entire trip was six miles. There are always people out and about on it. Enjoy yourself!
  • I pack packets of oatmeal and tunafish in my suitcase. I also throw some protien bars in there. When I travel it is with co-workers and we all share a vehicle. So, I rarely get to run to a grocery store to pickup things. We do tend to stay in hotels that offer a continental breakfast and I will grab whatever type of fruit…
  • Sleep is something that is missing from my weightloss effort and I believe I am paying the price. I get up in the morning at 4:20am, leave the house at 5:40. Work from 7am to 3:30pm, home around 5-5:15. Workout 6-7pm, then shower (yes, I shower twice a day) and dinner. My husband gets home from work between 8-9pm, so I…
  • I went for a bike ride yesterday and wore my fit on my calf. The numbers I got seemed very reasonable for the ride. I would recommend switching to your calf for rides.
  • I have chrondromalachia in my right knee because my knee cap does not track straight. I concur with the gentleman that said to strengthen the surrounding muscles. That helped tremendously! I also where a cho-pat brace when I run, which is what allowed me to get through C25K when I first started running.
  • I just started yesterday and am looking foward to my workout tonight. I already feel it a bit in my stomach, so the rest of the week should be interesting. I made it through all of yesterday, I'm just glad there was no one around to witness the flailing that occured as I tried to figure out some of the moves!
  • Sunglasses are a must. If you have lighter color hair and worry about the color staying around a while, I would recommend a hat. I work in a conservative environment and having multicolored hair would do me no favors. So, I wore a hat, but still had a bit of color on the tips of my hair.
  • I had a fitbit and have now switched to a BMF Link. I'm loving the link. I had stalled in my weight loss and come to find out I was not eating enough. I burn more throughout the day than the fitbit gave me credit for. I get fewer calories for exercise that is not cardio from the link than I did with a HRM but for straight…
  • I have a bag of bands that I keep in my suitcase for work travel. Up until recently I was gone about two weeks a month and relied on them heavily. I would recommend a good selection of them for anyone that travels alot.
  • I ordered my LINK through Costco today. Just a FYI for others considering the Costco deal, the website says this round ends March 17th. I'm feeling a little impatient waiting for it to get here though!!
  • I have that box! I eat overnight oats for breakfast most mornings. I switch it up between banana & cinnamon, apple & cinnamon, and pumpkin & pumpkin pie spices. I've also been known to make oatmeal craisin and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies when the craving becomes overwhelming. I just half the recipe and bring some to…
  • I use a Polar FT7 and love that little thing. That said I've been looking at a BMF link. For those of you with a link, are any of you using it with an Iphone 5? I can't find anything that definatively says the new phone is supported. Thanks!
  • The only things I don't log are my daily vitamin and glucosamine supplement.
  • Can you do P90X without a pullup bar? I don't have a place to put one in my house and I travel for work a lot. Thanks!
  • I thought I was pretty bad *kitten* with my pushups until I got to Lean. I guess because of where they are located within the workout they are a zillion times harder than when done on their own. Not a big fan of this phase but I see where the shoulder work is necessary for me.
  • I love this post! All of the accomplishments listed within are amazing. In the past year I have: Lost 80+ pounds Went from a size 18 to a 10 Regularly wear a size 10 for the first time in my life Ran my first 5k Discovered I love running Most importantly - Learned that a few bad days are not the end of the world. Just pick…
  • It has been a rough week and a half here. Went on a cruise and it wasn't pretty. Baked goodies for Christmas when I got back and things got worse. I did work out for the first time yesterday and I threw away the rest of the brownies this morning. This leaves only the apple pie, made with splenda. Since I can take or leave…
  • The latest phrase in my family is "it is sooo much easier to lose weight when you are young." I'm not that young at 35 and it isn't easy. I've worked my butt off. I would love to see how easy they think my workouts are and watch every bite of food. It would be "easy" for them too if they did the things I have done. As you…
  • I've been dealing with it for over a year now. I've had multiple cortisone shots, which did nothing long term. Finally, I got custom orthotics. I wear them constantly and it keeps it under control. I run pretty regularly and with the orthotics I don't have too much of an issue. The only time I seem to run into problems is…
  • Definitely have your doctor take a look at it. I have chrondromalacia, diagnosed via MRI, in my right knee. I swear by my cho-pat brace when I run. I don't need it for any other exercise but running. It keeps my kneecap tracking correctly, thereby releaving the pain I would typically feel after a run.
  • I buy the Quaker lower sugar instant oatmeal to take with me when I travel for work. I use steel cut oats when I'm home. I think it just depends on what your needs are and what product fits best.