AvalonsUnicorn Member


  • Hi all! I too am looking forward to this group! I'm from Michigan's BEAUTIFUL Upper Peninsula :) Everyone cross your fingers for me! I found my dream treadmill today on Craigslist for 50 bucks :D I'm hoping to be able to get it on Monday or Tuesday if the seller agrees! I'm praying this is meant to be cause I'm poor and a…
  • LOL I think of xmas all year long! :D One of our favorite things to do is the children trees where you pick one and buy things on their list!
  • I know what your talking about. I've seen them on Amazon and have wondered this too. I want a treadmill SOO badly! But they are just so expensive and I don't have a lot of spending money. I too have wondered instead about these little petal "bikes" for lack of a better word.
  • Not a clue but a free bump for ya :)
  • Forgot to add my name haha. The name I use is Tye for my friend code.
  • This! If a child were to get bit or worse The dog would have to be put down. Chances are the owners now about the aggression and just don't care. If They did care the dog would be properly contained. I personally think you'd be A: doing the dog a favor and B: teach irresponsible pet owners a lesson. Most pounds will charge…
  • sounds good :) LOL
  • I use true lemon or true lime true grapefruit or true orange. its the same as putting in a slice only less messy! and they taste wonderful! A box of 500 true lemon packets are 25 to 30 bucks on amazon. I use 1 pack per 32 ounces of water but you can use more if your taste buds wish it
  • I am at 215.4 and need a good kick in the butt! I want to hit onederland!
  • sure I'm in! I don't have too many troubles on the eating part. It's the exercising. I just have a hard time getting up and doing it. I know ever one tells me it's easy just make your self get up and exercise! Not so. I don't know I just have issues getting up and dong it. like a mental block. So any one willing to kick my…
  • LOL Any one who heard my workout play list would think I was crazy. I have a mix f newer country, older groups like Nsync and Backstreet boys and lol my fav Phineas and Ferb songs :D
  • :) thanks. I think I have the first one and I know I have the second one. I know the third one but it's not really my style :) and I'll have too look that last one up. Personally I like not my mamma's broken heart! It's by Miranda Lambert and I saw the music video for it the other day and honestly all I could was laugh at…
  • okies I think I did these right lol It's a start any how :) Weight 215.6 neck: 13 waist: 41 hips: 49 belly: 50 bust :44 Thanks girls for telling me how to do this :)
  • oddly enough I am the biggest klutz I know besides my mother. she has an excuse though she has suffered with Menairs disease most of my life I'm 31. It's not easy and I'm defiantly not perfect a the hip thing but it's easier than it looks! I do know it's a great abs workout! And it also makes you feel secretly sexy inside…
  • I will weigh in tomorrow God help me! lol I had a not bother to log it day :) But I do have a question... I have a measuring tape I bought it to measure myself but I'm not sure exactly how to do so? Also whats the best way to get an accurate bust measure? Cause I'm very large and am not sure if I'd measure the same in a…
  • I like this idea :) I took a belly dancing class like 2 years ago. and I discovered just how much fun it can be! Sadly I can no longer take it since I moved an hour away and don't own a car. But I do have 2 great dvd's I'd happily recommend to any one starting out! I have forgotten how much fun it is so thanks for…
  • playlists eh? Fitting since I spent all day yesterday trying to find good work out songs :) It's not easy when you like country apparently! LOL so does anyone have some good country work out songs?
  • I use Stevia In The Raw. It is made from a plant and I've found nor heard of any side effects from it. Some say it has a bitter after taste but I don't notice it. It's WAY sweet and has helped me keep my sugar intake down. They also make soda with it. The sodas are called Zevia and aren't half bad if you can find them! Our…
  • for me it's oatmeal. I can force it down more or less but no matter how I doctor it up it remains just ew. I am not sure if t's the mushy texture or the taste or both. I can eat dry oats right out of the container all day but cook em and it's just YUCK! The other day I even went as far as adding about 1.5 handfuls of M&M's…
  • My short term goal is to get myself excising. I have a hard time getting motivated to move. So I am going to try the 30 day challenge on my EA Sports Active for the Wii! My medium goal is to be less than 200 pounds. maybe around 190ish? I JUST go into my size 18 shorts so anything to have an excuse to buy smaller clothing…
  • Hi all. :) I'm 31 and about 214 pounds. MY problem is motivation to exercise. I know people say just get up and do it but for what ever reason I have like a mental block or something and it's starting to frustrate me! I honestly think the problem stems from a few year back. I was in a mentally abusive relationship. I…
  • this EXACTLY. Don;t chase him. calmly look at him and in a stern voice tell him to drop it. He will eventually get board of the game and stop stealing stuff. Also teaching him the "Leave It" command is good!. it is a simple command to teach it should only take a little research how to do it and could save your pets life!…
  • I use True Lemon or True Lime. I LOVE them! no artificial sweeteners no calories ans it hides the nasty taste of our city water :D
  • Curious to read reply's. :) and posting so I can read them tomorrow. good night :) lol
  • What ever I feel like! And not all cereal is bad. There are good ones too if you know where to look. I don't believe in cutting any thing "good or bad" I just make sure I log it :)
  • I'm 31 this month 5'7" and some where between 212 and 220 depending on how good I do each week. I'm getting frustrated with it lol so any one who wants to add me and give me a swift kick in the *kitten* would be awesome :)
  • :) I am in a similar situation. Even though my fiancee and I don't work he spoils me and is OCD so he does everything from the cleaning to the cooking. I like you end up sitting all day on my laptop or reading a book hehe feel free to add me maybe we can inspire each other. :) I have trouble getting motivated to move.
  • Are you asking should you eat your exercise calories back? If so then it is a personal preference whether you do so or not. some people will swear by eating them back and others swear by not eating them back. If that's not what you're asking than forgive me I just woke up lol :yawn:
  • Cardio I can do on the wii :) lol As for the dress I know they never fit quit right that I expected. and I knew the boobs would be an issue. I got the dress online A because It's burgundy so it's ahard to find color dress. and B because I have to travel 100 miles to get to a mainstream store like Davids bridal and even…
  • 10. I'll be 31 next month but I look forward to my hair turning. The few I have are a beautiful silver color.