bostongrl81 Member


  • Hydradentitis Superativa is def the issue here. I get them too...ever since I was 12 or 13 (I'm now 32) Ugh! They're so painful and embarrassing. I also have the facial hair, but - omg - so that's so much easier to manage. The boils get so so big and bad but sometimes they never really go away. I tried to bring it up to my…
  • Hi! I also have a pretty severe case of PCOS...ever since I was 15 (I'm 32 now). I'd also like to make some new MFP friends for PCOS support! I think it would be really great!
  • I'm starting Turbo Fire today and just curious how you guys log it in your MFP...or do you not log it so you don't eat the calories? Thanks! Jenn