

  • Feel free to add me - im taking this seriously and log everyday with an open diary. However I suffer with illness so my days can sometimes be not so saintly, but we are all human arent we? I love MFP its awesome
  • Hi all, only joined the forum yesterday but been using the MFP app to track my calories etc. could do with a few buddies to help keep me on track. Am 25yr old female living just outside london with 5 weeks to lose about 10/15lbs. Add away :-D ~summer
  • Is swimming strength, cardio or both? Ive got 5 weeks to lose about 10lbs minimum but hate using the gym... ~summer
  • It's really inspiring hearing positive stories. Hoping that with adding more exercise into my routine will help with the sleeping and my mood as well as shaping up! Thanks all, I'm glad already that I've joined this forum xxx ~summer
  • Hi all, just joined the forum today and found this thread right away. Been using the app for my fitness pal and it's been great but I also suffer with depression and anxiety. I am struggling with insomnia so doc recently swapped my meds for one with a sedative effect (not working FYI) and my appetite has just EXPLODED!!!…