

  • Like they said, you don't need to dump it. Would you feel better if you cut it with either formula or breastmilk? But either way, it's fine! I also suggest lubing up for pumping, try lanolin (can be too thick for me), or olive oil. Also, apply breastmilk to the cut after everytime you "use" it. It will help it heal much…
  • When you really think about it, there is no reason to eat/drink dairy. We are obviously the only "animal" that drinks milk past infancy, let alone another animals milk. (But yet, breastfeeding your baby is taboo...sigh) We were not made to digest it, but it is a easy way to get some nutrients. And of course,…
  • I think you will find that working out is a huge help to you. I have been able to get off my medication by getting my life under very strict control. Working out is a very large part of that. I have to go to the gym, it is not a option for weight loss. I have not noticed it being any easier to lose weight on meds vs. off…
  • I am breastfeeding (11mo. old, just got my supply down to how much she eats, I have donated over 45 gallons of milk!) and I have a pretty set weekly routine for working out and such. I am very active. I am a horse trainer and ride 5-6 days a week, then I het the gym for HIIT cardio and weight lifting 3 days a week. But…
  • I have either psiosis arthritus or RA, waiting for blood work to come back and doing another round next week. I also have a bone tumor in my spine and 2 buldging discs, all which cause a lot of nerve pain in my legs. I am limited on treatments because I am breastfeeding my daughter. And to be honest, I am glad! It is…
  • I have several issues in my back. I manage it by working out and lifting heavy 3-4x week. I have days I still have to take rx painkillers, sometimes the days I work out, sometimes my off days. But movement and strengthing my core is far more benefical then sitting around. Even if I get sore or hurt sometimes from it. I too…
  • Try upping your calories for a little bit. I have to eat 2100 calories a day, and eat back most, if not all, my burned calories to lose weight. Granted, I have a big oversupply so I'm producing enough for twins. I found the biggest thing that effects my supply is not drinking enough water, expecially the days I workout!…
  • Baked oatmeal for sure, so many diffrent types! There is a blog called Lynn's Kitchen Adventures and she has a lot of diffrent recipies. I use them as a base but I cut out calories and as much fat as I can. I also do only egg whites, and extra egg. I like the peanut butter one (but it needs extra egg to make it less…
  • Glad I could help! Just blame the sleep deprivation, thats what I do!
  • I can try to help, but I don'tunderstand your post all that well. So you made a custom plan that had you eating 1900 a day, right? Where did you get that number (I am assuming from the regular advice to breastfeeding mothers to eat 1800-2000)? Where are you getting the 1540 burned from? There is no way you would burn that…
  • We live in the very south eastern corner of the state...the boonies.... I like the wide open space, and the small town feel, but I miss the mountians and I hate the drive up to Denver. So hopefully we will move soon!
  • Your name: Becky Your weight loss goal: I'm not going to push myself really hard, but I bet I beat these goals, I did last time -First Goal (9 mo. PP) = 160 (pre-pregnancy weight) -Second Goal (1 1/2 year PP) = 150 -Ultimate Goal = 140's and muscular (no time line, this is a life long goal) What are your food weakness:…
  • I ride and train. I just had a baby so I am just get back to it right now. But I have rode for years and been training (outside horses) for the last 5 years. Right now I only own one horse (we had to cut back due to starting our family....and my husband isn't the biggest "hay burner" fan), my AQHA gelding. He is one of…
  • I think a lot of it is what your scalp/hair is used to. I used to wash my hair everyday, I tried all sorts of diffrent shampoo/conditioners. My hair was always dry and frizzy no matter what. I was always trying to tame it. I thought it was just my hair type. Then I had my back injury happen, then a pregnancy. I couldn't…
  • I have nerve damage in my right leg so I have weakness/numbness on that side. What I did was go to my doctor and ask for physical therapy. Then I asked the PT to make me up a routine and had them teach me good form for each part. This way not only did I get a routine just for me and my issues, but I was taught to do it…
  • Just a few things about breastfeeding and lifting that I have found. The hormones that loosen up the pelvis for child birth (and such the whole body) stay longer in a breastfeeding mothers system. But from what I have read it should be gone by 6 mo. post partum. So after that you can workout normally without extra fear of…
  • My husband hunts a lot and while I don't want to hunt, I do go and deal with the pack horses because I am a horse trainer and my husband is not a fan of dealing with them. Plus, less hiking for him if I bring the horses in after he gets something. I also cook and deal with camp for the guys. I am not aginist hunting but I…
  • I had my daughter Oct. 4th. I also have a 23 mo. old. This pregnancy I gained 50 pounds, and dropped 25 right away. I am now 20 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. I had a rough pregnancy with lots of bedrest, so I am working hard at the gym to get my muscle and stamina back! It's coming back nicely. I just got cleared for…
  • I add in a cardio entry for breastfeeding, 500 calories and 1 min as to not mess with my workout time goals. My daughter is 2 mo. old and doesn't get bottles, I also pump enough for another baby so I also add a "pumping" cardio for 250 calories. As my supply regulates and my daughter starts solids/eats less I can adjust…
  • For me, unless I eat a lot I do not drop weight. My body will hold onto every dang calorie because too big of a deficet is going to send my body into mode to save it all to support the baby. A large (or even seemingly decent sized) deficet stalls everything. If I were you I would up calories for a week and see. I have to…
  • I put it under cardio, I also put it as 1 min as to not mess with my workout goal time. You can put in whatever amount of calorie burn you want. You can make your own exercise. The normal amount is to say 500 a day. I also add in a "pumping" cardio, because I am pumping enough for another baby so I need to account for that…
  • You could do the cake mix with a can of pumpkin thing, or banana "ice cream" sundaes. Or something like those ediable arrangments with fruit, some dipped, some not then she can pick what she wants to eat.
  • I am a SAHM to a 13 mo. old, I am 24 and would love to find more friends on here too! Add me!
  • I'm kind of late to post on this but I also ride, I'm looking ofr more firends so add me if you happen to see this! I'm on here a lot and would love more friends to support, and hey, other horse people are always a good group to be in!
  • Try a banana too. The potassium can help. And I second the streching before and after! Maybe try streching a few times during the day to help get the sore out of your muscles? That usually helps me. I also find once you push through it, it seems to help over all.