mmambs Member


  • I'm in it for 20 also, feel free to add me! ~marcy
  • When e-readers first came out I was adamant that I would never have one, want one, read a book on one. I'm a librarian and it felt like I was betraying my profession. T hen I got an Ipad and could download the kindle and nook apps. And I did. And I tried them out. And I loved them. BUT really only when I'm traveling (which…
  • I am also a huge Wally Lamb fan and was a little skeptical about how this story would read. It was great, couldn't put it down! Hope you enjoy it.
  • Currently reading: Versailles - Biography of a Palace by Tony Spawforth The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell Pillars of Hercules by Paul Theroux It will take me awhile to get through these because I'll pick up some quick reads in between as well!
  • Hey all, I'm Marcy and I spend my days as a librarian, so naturally I love books! I read pretty much anything but am not such a big fan of science fiction stuff, but if someone I trust gives a sci fi book two thumbs up, I'll give it a try. Currently reading: Versailles - Biography of a Palace by Tony Spawforth The Tipping…
  • definitely in that boat too. I realized it a few months ago and haven't been motivated enough to really get strict and hadn't found a calorie tracking site I really liked until a friend mentioned MFP to me last week. So, here I am, tracking again.