Convie Member


  • my account actually tells me to only eat 1200 a day so she may be sticking to what its telling her to do? also what exercises are you doing? if youre doing ones that gain muscle that could be why, remember muscle is heavier than fat, so on scales it may not seem like you're losing anything but really you are you're just…
  • this exactly but change the dad to mum haha you look great in both pictures but can definately see the change :)
  • I feel upset the amount of people who think we should BF in a bathroom ect? I used to be extremely nervous to bf in ppublic and did infact do it in the bathroom which was hell on my back it hurt and it was probably really unhygienic and now I think about it its stupid, it is the most natural thing we can do and we are…
  • replying from OP tbh I find it normal seeing boobs although abit disturbing the way my mum did it, yes i saw her naked alot but I didn't care i guess growing up around it you get used to it, what disturbed me was when she thought it waws funny to barg into my bedroom go OI JADE! shake her bits about going OHHHHH then run…
  • I used to be a dang, became a double dang, started BFing so now I'm Eloquently Enormous? (don't have EE lol) but after hopefully losing weight will probs go back to dang :( haha