

  • Isagenix is the way to go, we have a Isabody challenge to keep you motovated and we support you all along your healthy journey. Plus you can create a residual income for yourself. If you are interested contact me at my facebook fanpage "Two Beers and a Shake"
  • Everyone has some good tips here, maybe not smoking after a meal if you are trying to get healthy. If you are at home make your plate as if you are going to have seconds, put about half of the size portions you would normally have. Then before you sit down put any extra in the fridge. After you have eaten your meal clean…
  • How do you breathe when you do try to run? Do you just gasp and breathe fast. I used to have that problem. One thing you might want to do is try to control your breathing while running. Do the minute run minute and a half walk, but when you run try to take long slow breaths in and long slow breaths out, continue breathing…
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