

  • Femme: 1-My version of "dressing up" is emo girl with eyeliner 2- I cross stitch and knit (but I don't do cutesy stuff, all complex and masterpieces only) 3- Obvious physical characteristics including necessity of a bra on a daily basis 4- Attraction to Daniel Radcliffe, Robert Downey Jr., and Jude law 5- Obsessive pride…
  • giving the wrong people too many second chances to be good to me. oh and quitting my best job ever and only now realizing it was a bad move. if i put the pieces of me together earlier then i could have avoided all of my regrets.
  • as far as i know, boobs are mostly fat so sorry to say you may go down some there. but, depending on your age as skin loses its elasticity as you age, they should become "perkier". at least that's what i'm hoping for myself. I can't stand how big i've gotten.
  • Til I Collapse by: eminem and 50 cent. I'm a long endurance sort of person so this song tells it