KTorg2014 Member


  • Hi! Hi! Hi! I am so excited there is this group on here - sometimes I feel like I am the only tall woman in America! I guess it doesn't help that I tower over my family by a solid 8 inches! I am Kari - I am 30 years old at 6' 1'' and weighed in at 280 on Tuesday (yikes). My goal is 215. I am definatley looking for friends…
    in Hi there! Comment by KTorg2014 July 2013
  • I totally get the "wow - your tall" stare when I get heels; in the past it really bothered me, and to be honest there are certain situations when it does still...however what I have realized is that I feel CONFIDENT and SEXY in heels - my boyfriend is just barely shorter than me, but if we go out - he loves me in heels -…
    in HEELS Comment by KTorg2014 July 2013
  • I don't know if anyone of you will see this post, but I wanted to say Thank You! I read and re-read all your notes/posts last week everytime I "slipped up" or didn't do so hot...you are all very inspiring and I appreciate your helping comments! I just want to let you know that I lost 5.2 pounds my first week (even though…
  • Hi...I am brand new to this site..I have quite WWonline to join here bc this is free! Which I love...also the layout is amazing! I am mid 20's and have a long term goal of 47 pounds...one day at a time! What have been people's success and stories? Any tips for a long time "quitter" in the weight loss game? I no longer want…