mishacarlson Member


  • We spend $200/week on average for me, hubby and 7 year son. and eat 5-6 dinners a week from our kitchen. We all bring our lunch from home during the week and eat out on the weekends. That is a mix of fresh and convenience foods. I tend to eat cleaner than hubby does. I eat dinner leftovers or salads for lunch. Hubby eats…
  • I actually mix mine with coffee. I brew a pot of strong coffee, cool if off and put in in a container in the fridge to pour from each morning. I mix with that and sometimes a splash of almond milk.
  • Me Please!!! I'm down just over 40 and halfway to goal. My 20's HS reunion is at the end of the summer and I'd LOVE to be down 20 more by June. I also need partners as I'm on this journey alone IRL.
  • I'm another ex-smoker having great success with the C25K. I'm up to running 5 minutes at a time and I am so excited to be able to do even that much. Planning on running a complete 5k race the end of June. And yes shoes make a huge difference! You can do it!!
  • Never thought to use a toaster oven like this. Great idea!!
  • Quad Cities USA! Work in IA, live in IL!!