

  • Rather rude response. We're here for support and understanding, not FaceBook type juvenile snideness. Rolling on the floor and laughing to yourself over what you believe are stupid questions probably burns more calories than sitting down and typing unhelpful responses.
  • Ummmm... mine says "He goes further." *shaking my head*
  • So inspiring! I applaud you for having the cajones to post pics because I know what we look like pre-loss isn't something a lot of us are proud of! My hat's off to you! I've been contemplating taking some pics of me in a bikini (because my ultimate goal is to look amazing in one by summer), but I cannot rustle up the guts…
  • I am scared to death of needles, too, but I gave the acupuncture a try and it was AMAZING! The first visit was not the greatest; I'd gotten myself all worked up with fear before I even got to my appointment. No amount of soothing music, heated sheets, dim lights, or softspoken Asian doctor could dismiss the images of…
  • Thank you all for responding! It's good to connect with people who understand. I got tired of friends telling me that my problem was being lazy, or not realizing exercise hurts until you get used to it! *sigh* I love you guys already!
  • I'm there with ya!! Just starting out and finding that there's a lot of change involved... but we can do it!!!