bizymomma05 Member


  • I struggle with the planning ahead part. I tried it about Week 2 & didn't do well at all. Since I babysit . 3and have such a hectic schedule I tend to buy stuff that is clean & quick to fix. Any suggestions?
  • Remember to watch your food count that is the important number. You want to keep it between 1400-1600. I quit looking at the number on the end and concentrate on the food number (the second number). I understand where your coming from. I will make a pledge as well tonight. I pledge that I WILL use the treadmill a minimum…
  • I think that is my biggest thing is whether or not you can mark them private so no one sees them unless you want them too. Thank you very much!
  • I am looking to update my music to create a couple workout sets for when I workout extra. Anyone have suggestions or can help me out? Thanks in advance!
  • If a song isn't up to the speed I'm looking for I hit the skip button. I also leave mine on Shuffle too.:flowerforyou:
  • I have a mix of Country, Hip Hop & old School Rock. I prefer my upbeat Country music. You can always tell when a faster song comes on because my pace speeds up!!
  • I am building my Tool Kit so for now I am looking at everyone's posts and getting my idea of what to put in mine. I really like what I am seeing and plan on using some of these in mine. So as of now I have my Get Fit Binder in mine. (You guys will learn one thing about me - I love 3-ring binders!) The more I log on here…
  • Mel - after the first time I did this I went through my clothes & got rid of my previous clothes. I have managed to "fit" into what I have whether it is comfortable or not. I am planning on purchasing new close that fit me & compliment me!! Then I can completely go through my clothes and condense. As much as I hate…
  • I am doing Get Fit! I was in Melody's very first Biggest Loser and was able to lose 14lbs. Unfortunately I let it all come back. I am an EMT/Firefighter and a mom/wife and am very active in the communities and the fire service. I am a Fire & Life Safety Educator and I am the committee chair for 2 major organizations in the…
  • Mel as you know I did your very first Biggest Loser and had decent results. Though I do not need to lose a lot of weight, what I do need to lose is challenging for me. I have an extremely busy schedule (between family, babysitting, fire department, meetings and all the other things I am doing) getting myself healthy is a…
  • I found it! Can wait to get started!