joyharvey04 Member


  • That's awesome! It has to make you feel awesome too! Great Job!
  • You look awesome!! I too am 5'4" and I would love to hit 200 and actually that is my current goal. Thanks so much for posting this it gives me courage to keep trying. :-) Congrats to you!!!
  • You look awesome!!! Thanks for posting!!! I have to say that you have great style too! I loved every single outfit you had on in every picture! Your post has given me hope for myself~Thanks :-)
  • Thank you sooo much for shareing this!!! This really shows me what dedication can do for me! I also feel I have an eating disorder its called junk food, not sweets but just all the other junk-lol. Thanks for listing everything from what you eat to exercise this is really going to help me. Thank you! And YES! you look…
  • Everyone is right start out slow. I went onto Craigslist and a stationary bought a bike for $20, I will put in my fav movie or watch my fav tv show and ride my bike, it doesnt make much noise either so when the baby is sleeping I can ride my bike. And since you are watching tv your mind focuces on the tv show versus how…
  • Drink lots of water, walk everywhere you go and pack healthy snacks....hope you have a great vacation!
  • WOW! After looking at your pics I am feeling HOT HOT HOT!! phew! You are looking very good!!!! :blushing:
  • Nope dont own any horses, but I am a photographer and my favorite thing to photograph is equine. I LOVE horse shows, the animals, the kids, the sun, the dust, the smells, the trucks etc. I can not wait until summer again here in Michigan because I know where I will be every weekend. :smile:
  • That is funny and cute!
  • I have always wanted to visit Ireland! But have not been able to leave the US yet. Welcome and feel free to add me if you need extra friends! :happy:
  • OMGosh you walked 12 miles!!!!! Who cares about the water weight-you walked 12 miles!!!!! Great job!!!! I walk 2 miles and think my legs are going to fall off-lol. The water weight will go away, I also find if I over do it with a workout and I dont exercise the next day on the third day I will drop atleast 2 or 3 pounds, I…
  • I have a nice pilates DVD (its about 3yrs old, might be able to find it on ebay) its called '10Minute Solution Pilates'. What I like most is it breaks it all down into ten min sections (abs, buns & thighs, flexibility, sculpting and pilates burn) this way you can work on target areas etc. I just started it and can not do…
  • Welcome! I am new here too....which means I need friends too (hint hint) feel free to add me! :wink:
  • Eating healthy is expensive...but (yup there's a but) in the long run is it really more expensive then compared to being overweight and having medical issues? Yet I completely understand where you are coming from, try buying fruits and veggies when they are on sale and look into freezing them or canning them to use later.…
  • The mitten state-Michigan!!! :huh: (blue smiley because it is cold here today)
  • Cleaning exercise?? Hmmm this makes me SEX an exercise. (lol) I mean if you are only getting IT once in a blue moon do you log it??? (Sorry couldnt help myself) :blushing:
  • OMGosh! You two look great! I cant wait to read your tips and info...I am going to read that right now! Thanks so much for sharing all of this!
  • WOW! Look at all of these replys! Yup, I too need to loose about 100 pounds, but would be happy if I could loose 65ish pounds. I have been on here for about 3 weeks now and already I am starting to feel better (health wise), I can only imagine how great we will all feel once we meet our goal weight! Good Luck and feel free…
  • First off congrats on the loss of 28lbs so far, that is a great accomplishment! I also started this weighing 265 and my goal is to be around 200 by June-July, I am sure that we can both do it. Yes you are not eating enough (atleast I dont think you are), try to push yourself to eat atleast 1200 cals a day. I know it sounds…
  • OMG! You look great! Thanks so much for sharing, you deffidently inspired me ~ Thanks!
  • Ohhhh this one is a a wife and a mother I personally would want to know....once a cheater always a cheater! I would want to know if my hubby was cheating....because if he is doing this with you who else is he doing it with? And if you turn him down there will just be more chicks that he will do this with. But…
  • I'm new too! Feel free to add me as a friend and we all can support each other!