

  • I will def start watching all that...I hate to broadcast it but recently also I had to get false teeth and they are still hurting so I have cannot eat all the veggies..Veggies and fruit are my favs but it has been so hard that is why all the processed food I suppose. But I will take all of your advise and see what happens.…
  • Yes I totally agree about the age thing...I am not one to just sit around and watch tv..I am constantly on the move doing something whether it be just housework, laundry etc. But I go all the time. That is the only think I can come up wth.
  • I will def keep that in mind..I had noticed the sodium was high..but I really did not pay that much attention to the sugars. Thank you!
  • Settings as far as Calories? 1200. I do elipical 20 mins a day 3 times a week...I walk 4 times a week in the summer time but right now it is winter here..I dont know if you read on my profile but this was gained because I stopped smoking almost a year ago. The think I do not do...which I know I should is drink water. I am…
  • I think I opened my through settings...the make it public..