

  • Good morning, You've made the first step and that is realizing you need to change. Now, I'm a 37 year old guy from the southern US, so take this for what it's worth. Realize that you, like everyone else have conditioned yourself, built up habits that will be hard to break. Old habits die hard. Plus, age and metabolism are…
  • thakilla, I think kind of like sbcarsea said, just treat when you wake up for each shift as a new day. If you eat breakfast, normally. Then, you should begin your day no matter what time it is as if it is the beginning of a new day. I know alternating schedules can really screw up your internal clock, so I guessbe as…
  • Thanks for your input. I work at a hospital and typically my schedule is set, but I've had to cover more shifts during the holidays. When school starts back I'll have to make another change and try not to revert back to eating junk just to get by between work and classes. And then there is an exercise schedule I have to…
  • I am a 37 year old male and live in Lilburn, Georgia, USA, I just started this a couple of days ago after seeing a friend on Facebook post his progress after a year of using myfitnesspal. I thought I would give it a shot. Good luck to everyone and hope everyone has a great 2012.
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