ruberry66 Member


  • Funny I should run across your post as I feel the same way! I've exercised harder this week than I have in 3 yrs and have watched my diet and today I get on the scale and I'm up a little.... arghhhh!! I have lost and gained the same 5lbs over and over and it really upsets me - we just have to keep at it. Just don't give up…
  • That's awesome!! Keep up the great work! I've been very slow about getting the weight off and just this week I've been dedicated and ready to get it back off for good!!
  • It would be my dream as well!! I hope to lose 40lbs, but if I can only get 30lbs off, I'll be happy!!
  • Hi, I'm 5'5" and 45. I bumped up to 1500 because I only lost 6lbs (doing Atkins) and didn't think I was getting enough calories. Well, after not losing on that, I went back to 1200. I've lost and gained the same 1-2 lbs for several weeks, getting really discouraged. Losing weight is very difficult for me. I'm thinking of…
  • Thanks! I had a 2 level fusion. I think the difference with mine is the fact that I've had back issues since I was in 6th grade and this is my 3rd surgery. I will continue to listen to my body and take it slow, I will get back there one day! :) So awesome he is doing so well! That is awesome!